A 13-episode anime television series animated by Eight Bit and produced by NBCUniversal aired in Japan from October to December 2014. There have been two manga adaptations published by Akita Shoten and Mag Garden.
The three games have been licensed in English and published worldwide by Sekai Project in 2015. Two sequel visual novels were also produced for Windows: The Labyrinth of Grisaia in February 2012 and The Eden of Grisaia in May 2013. It was released in February 2011 for Windows, and it was later ported to the PlayStation Portable and PlayStation Vita.
The Fruit of Grisaia ( Japanese: グリザイアの果実, Hepburn: Gurizaia no Kajitsu) is a Japanese adult visual novel, the first in a series of visual novels by Frontwing, with character designs by Akio Watanabe and Fumio.